Twice Blessed is a website that does everything I would like to do here, only they are doing it a hell of a lot better. Visit them at Everything Jewish AND Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender. Do you need your faith in Conservative or heterosexual Rabbis restored? Read The Writings of Rabbi Harold Schulweis, especially Second Look at Homosexuality and Morality, Legality and Homosexuality for an uplifting experience. A happy addition to the web is the much-needed Jewish Queer Youth Homepage. Some of my favourite Gay Jewish sites include:
There are zillions of sites of interest to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Jews. Click on the Bubbes to get to my links page.
Now HERE is a disgusting new development. For a while there I was visiting the Torah chatroom and other Jewish chatrooms on America Online. Well, from the VERY FIRST DAY that I ever set foot (font?) in one of those places, the rest of the room and I were bombarded almost constantly by Jews for Jesus. These are Jews who have found Jesus and converted to Christianity. They would come in and immediately start attacking everyone, both in the chat and via Instant Message. They are aggressive, mean, unruly, and insulting. They even have the gall to invade the Shul for Shut-ins chatroom! They disrupt a prayer service offered for people who cannot make it out of their houses!!! I wonder what their Jesus would think of that? (actually, the poor bastard is probably on the other side going "Stop worshipping me dammit! Can't a dead Jew get some rest??? Why don't you just say Kaddish like you do for everybody else and leave it at that???") I have no problem with Jews converting to Christianity. If somebody wants to do something so incredibly stupid that is fine. After all, who am I to judge? (he he) But to ASSAULT people with it is an entirely different story. I guess that's what I have always loved about Jews...We don't give a shit what anybody else believes. I found a really nifty page by a group called "Jews for Judaism" (now there's a novel thought). You can visit their site by clicking HERE. They have an online guide called How to Answer a Christian Missionary. Check it out, it is pretty neat. Make sure to listen to the real audio presentation. There is also a new book, available at finer Judaica shops, called "You Take Jesus, I'll Take God: How to Refute Christian Missionaries" by Samuel Levine.
Virtual Faygeleh After all this, do you still want to send me an email? Good! Write to shlomarosenberg@gmail.com Copyright ©1999 Virtual Faygeleh |